Thursday, February 5, 2009

Veronica Mars Movie finally coming into Fruition?!

According to Rob Thomas, yes! The Veronica Mars movie is good to go! Rob Thomas got a lot of free time since his series, Cupid, got scaled back. The show will be set a few days before college graduation, which I personally think is a good time to start. I'm excited to find out what Rob has in store for us - as long as he writes the script then we obsessed VM fans can rest easy. I also hope to God that the original Veronica Mars cast will all be there!

Stay tuned and make sure you tell everyone about it!!! We definitely want this Veronica Mars movie to be a hit. Who knows, it might be a springboard to the continuation of the Veronica Mars TV Series.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HELL YESSS!!!! This has been a long time coming!!!!